To record your presentation, follow the recording tips available at this page. Please check that the video and the audio quality are good, so that participants will be able to easily follow your presentation.

To collect presentation videos, MedComNet will be using WeTransfer. To send your presentation to the organizing committee, simply go to the WeTransfer website. On the left side you will find the form for uploading your file. Click on the “+” button and choose your video file. Please choose the following naming scheme: <first author surname>_<EDAS paper id>.{mkv,mp4} (e.g., Smith_1512341234.mkv). In the “Email to” field write, while in the “Your email” field type the email address you used to register to the conference. Finally click on “Transfer” to submit your file. Note: WeTransfer will send you an email with a numeric code to confirm your email address. The upload starts only when you insert the confirmation code.

After completing the upload, the committee will receive a notification from WeTransfer, will download your presentation, check that the quality of the video meets the requirements, and send you an email confirming the proper reception. The latter is not the confirmation email from WeTransfer, but an email sent from after a couple of days.

The deadline for sending your video is June 8th, 2020. This will allow the committee the time to check the video and, in case of problems, will allow authors some time to fix the presentation.